My world...dreams and questions....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Of now and then

Out of the most versatile statements a human being uses is probably, "When I was ...". Happiness, or regret - we use this so so often. Of now and then, of here and there, of probably everything and nothing, the contrast seems so superficial in its own regards. But still so deep. And possibly true.
Well, the point I am making is despite knowing that this is the moment I have to live, I still don't do it. I would like to substitute someone I know and deeply regard with this "I" in the above statement. Praying to God and keeping faith just vanishes all in but a jiffy, when this outlived "when" comes in out of nowhere, to spoil the hope of today, the gift of today and the excellent aura of now.
I wish believing in God was really the same thing as saying that I believe Him. Or despite not believing in His power one shouldn't really say "Thank You God" when you aren't really content with what He has in store for you.
Whom are you lying to? Whom are you deceiving? He won't be hampered if you don't believe Him and let Him know that.


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